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Boston Engineering Design for X

Design for X (DFX) is an approach to engineering and design that focuses on a primary variable of a product or process, and narrows in on the design activities that will influence that trait or feature as the desired outcome of a project. Boston Engineering knows how to maximize the DFX Impact.

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Impact your Business

Design for X is a tool that helps to harness the power of design in outcomes

Boston Engineering Robotics

The goal of DFX is to focus attention on the variable and/or feature of interest capable of creating the desired outcome, given all other related considerations. In most instances, the variable X is not the only avenue that could be chosen for evaluation and re-design. Complex products or systems often have several variables that can be adjusted to result in improved performance, reduced cost, etc. However, the interaction of these variables are occurring inside of constraints, (often involving size, cost, performance, serviceability, etc.) all of which need to be considered.

Design for X is one of Boston Engineering’s Centers of Excellence. Learn more about how our Centers of Excellence define and support the commitment to our clients and the organizations we serve.

Latest Design for X Publication: Leveling Up Existing Products Through DFX

Leveling Up Existing Products Through DFXDeveloping successful new products from scratch is challenging enough, but what about improving on existing designs? Many companies find themselves struggling to optimize the manufacturability, reliability, and serviceability of products that have been in the market for years.

In this eBook, we’ll dive into the real-world experiences of DFX subject matter expert John DePiano, exploring the common areas where existing product owners excel, as well as the key opportunities where targeted DFX support can drive major improvements.


Design for X Focus Areas

DFX represents a holistic approach to product development that optimizes the design against multiple objectives.

Design for x focus areas

At Boston Engineering, DFX is a core part of our product development process. We focus on several key DFX areas that align with our expertise:

  • Design for Manufacturability (DFM)
  • Design for Assembly (DFA)
  • Design for Cost (DFC)
  • Design for Testability (DFT)
  • Design for Reliability (DFR)
  • Design for Serviceability/Maintainability (DFS)
  • Design for Usability (DFU)
  • Design for Modularity (DFMo)

Learn more about Design for X (DFX) focus areas at Boston engineering


Applied Design for X

Employ a systematic and forward-thinking approach to drive impactful design decisions and achieve specific objectives.

Applied DFXAt Boston Engineering, DFX is integrated throughout our product development process, starting with identifying priority DFX requirements as part of the specifications phase. Our engineers then develop concepts and detailed designs that incorporate core DFX objectives and assess resulting interrelationships and trade-offs.

This approach to “design with the end in mind” delivers both product development lifecycle efficiencies and product lifecycle benefits.

Interested in providing your product development team with DFX skills? Learn More about our Applied DFX process and development workshops.

Design for X Insights

DFX is often employed to improve a product in the face of new competition or a market shift, extend the lifecycle (and profits) of an existing product who’s components are harder to come by, or to quickly solve a new performance or compliance issue that has arisen. However, the focus and discipline of DFX can be a much more powerful tool if used as part of a broader strategical approach to developing product/process differentiation, and a sustainable advantage against competition. Read all of Boston Engineering’s Design for X Insights.

What is DFX?

Design for X creates sustainable business advantage in a rapidly changing global marketplace. While there are many possible values for X, the most common points of focus involve manufacturability, testability, reliability, safety, serviceability, cost, and compliance - areas that can be defined.
Learn More about Design for X

Seven valuable Design for X concentrations

The seven most common points of focus involve manufacturability, testability, reliability, safety, serviceability, cost, and compliance - areas that can be well defined
Learn More about Common Design for X focus areas

Design for X and Strategy

DFX is at its most impactful when it is used as part of a business's overall strategy. A longer term solution can be anticipated if those considerations are know from the start of a strategic project
Learn More about Design for X and Strategy

Involve Design for X in Strategy

Once your team has determined the focus of your strategy, place the focus of design on developing competitive advantage.

Internet of things, augmented reality, digital solutions

The focus and discipline of DFX is a powerful tool if used as part of a broader strategic approach to developing product/process differentiation, and a sustainable advantage against competition. The Boston Engineering product development system encompasses DFX to ensure a smooth product launch and success in the marketplace.  Boston Engineering has DFX knowledge and experience to address aspects and values of a product such as manufacturability, test, reliability, safety, serviceability, cost, and compliance with industry standards and government regulations.


Learn more about Designing for your desired outcomes with Boston Engineering.

Design for X Case Studies

DFX is at its most impactful when it is used as part of a business’s overall strategy. See where DFX can have its greatest impact.

Wind Profile Generator Accelerates Small UAS Testing and Training

The system provides controlled, monitored, uniform, and laminar air flow.
Learn how our design created a consistent testing enviornment

Snowboard Innovator Sharpens its Competitive Edge with Redesigns

With a new ski season approaching, the brand faced performance challenges
Learn how redesign created new opportunities

Handheld Tool Recharge Improves Usability and Performance

Boston Engineering developed a field oriented control design to replace the product’s existing motor control capabilities.
See how design can improve business performance

Embrace the Design for X Process

Speak with a Boston Engineering Design for X Expert about the right solution

Digital engineering

Selecting a partner to help you complete your design project is a valuable option to reduce project duration and save money.

The Boston Engineering product development system encompasses DFX to ensure a smooth product launch and success in the marketplace.  Boston Engineering has DFX knowledge and experience to address aspects and values of a product such as manufacturability, test, reliability, safety, serviceability, cost, and compliance with industry standards and government regulations.


Ready to begin your next DFX project?

Know you’re going to get the results you want by working with industry leaders in design, development, and deployment of innovative products driven by Novel Engineering. Contact Boston Engineering Today to get started.

Let’s start the Conversation

No matter the challenge, our team possesses the expertise in the engineering disciplines and technologies you need to bring your vision to life. Impossible Challenge? Try Us.

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Design for X from Boston Engineering

Innovative Product Development

Adapter Expands Stroke for Universal Compatibility

Adapter Expands Stroke for Universal Compatibility

Saving Lives with Accelerated Development of Mechanical Ventilators

Saving Lives with Accelerated Development of Mechanical Ventilators

Improving Public Health with Affordable Disease Tests

Improving Public Health with Affordable Disease Tests

Commercial Exoskeleton That Protect The Lives of U.S. Soldiers in Combat

Commercial Exoskeleton That Protect The Lives of U.S. Soldiers in Combat

A Robotic Fish That Defends Our Homeland Against Deadly Attacks

A Robotic Fish That Defends Our Homeland Against Deadly Attacks

Technology that Disrupts the Rapid Disease-Testing Market

Technology that Disrupts the Rapid Disease-Testing Market

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Advances Deep Space Research

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Advances Deep Space Research

Snowboard Innovator Sharpens its Competitive Edge with Redesigns

Snowboard Innovator Sharpens its Competitive Edge with Redesigns

Handheld Tool Recharge Improves Usability and Performance

Handheld Tool Recharge Improves Usability and Performance

Robotics Start-up Yields High Growth in the Agricultural Industry

Robotics Start-up Yields High Growth in the Agricultural Industry


Impossible challenge?

Try us.

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