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Design for X

Boston Engineering Applied DFX

Design for X (DFX) refers to a systematic and forward-thinking approach to drive impactful design decisions and achieve specific objectives. Learn the Principles and Practical Applications of DFX by scheduling a customized Applied Design for X Workshop today.

Contact us for a DFX consultation

Design for Outcome


Applying DFX to Product Design

At Boston Engineering:

  • DFX is integrated throughout our product development process.
  • DFX deployed starting with identifying priority DFX requirements during the specifications phase.
  • DFX is incorporated in development concepts and detailed designs
  • DFX core objectives and assessment methods result in a complete understanding of interrelationships and trade-offs in a design.
  • DFX delivers both product development lifecycle efficiencies and product lifecycle benefits


DFX Workshop


Value of DFX Methodologies

The DFX approach develops successful, high-quality products with efficiency and cost-effectiveness

Key reasons why DFX methodologies are so valuable:

  • Avoids costly redesigns & late-stage changes
  • Improves quality and reliability
  • Reduces production costs
  • Facilitates testing and troubleshooting
  • Enables easier maintenance
  • Drives higher customer satisfaction

By taking a holistic DFX approach, companies can develop differentiated products that exceed customer expectations, meet business goals, and provide competitive advantage.

See a full list of Boston Engineering DFX Focus Areas


Design for X Workshop


Unlock Engineering Excellence

Boston Engineering’s interactive DFX Workshops will enhance your team’s design skills and advance your company’s product development initiatives

Boston Engineering offers interactive DFX workshops that provide both an understanding of DFX and Practical Application Knowledge. Interested in providing your product development team with DFX skills? Boston Engineering offers extensive DFX knowledge and experience to support your product and personnel development needs.


Your Engineering Team Will Leave a Boston Engineering DFX Workshop With:


  • Practical Application and Implementation Knowledge:
    • Expert review of your product in a collaborative setting.
    • Real-world practice and application of DFX concepts.
    • Guidance on integrating DFX into existing product development processes.
    • Actionable design recommendations for further consideration.


  • An Understanding of DFX Principles and Benefits:
    • Definition and significance of DFX in product and process design.
    • Understanding the “X” factors and how they impact design objectives.
    • Integration of DFX throughout the product development lifecycle.
    • Case studies and examples illustrating successful application of DFX strategies


DFX Workshop request


Design for X Case Studies

DFX is at its most impactful when it is used as part of a business’s overall strategy. See where DFX can have its greatest impact.

Wind Profile Generator Accelerates Small UAS Testing and Training

The system provides controlled, monitored, uniform, and laminar air flow.
Learn how our design created a consistent testing enviornment

Snowboard Innovator Sharpens its Competitive Edge with Redesigns

With a new ski season approaching, the brand faced performance challenges
Learn how redesign created new opportunities

Handheld Tool Recharge Improves Usability and Performance

Boston Engineering developed a field oriented control design to replace the product’s existing motor control capabilities.
See how design can improve business performance

Design for X from Boston Engineering

Innovative Product Development

Adapter Expands Stroke for Universal Compatibility

Adapter Expands Stroke for Universal Compatibility

Saving Lives with Accelerated Development of Mechanical Ventilators

Saving Lives with Accelerated Development of Mechanical Ventilators

Improving Public Health with Affordable Disease Tests

Improving Public Health with Affordable Disease Tests

Commercial Exoskeleton That Protect The Lives of U.S. Soldiers in Combat

Commercial Exoskeleton That Protect The Lives of U.S. Soldiers in Combat

A Robotic Fish That Defends Our Homeland Against Deadly Attacks

A Robotic Fish That Defends Our Homeland Against Deadly Attacks

Technology that Disrupts the Rapid Disease-Testing Market

Technology that Disrupts the Rapid Disease-Testing Market

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Advances Deep Space Research

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Advances Deep Space Research

Snowboard Innovator Sharpens its Competitive Edge with Redesigns

Snowboard Innovator Sharpens its Competitive Edge with Redesigns

Handheld Tool Recharge Improves Usability and Performance

Handheld Tool Recharge Improves Usability and Performance

Robotics Start-up Yields High Growth in the Agricultural Industry

Robotics Start-up Yields High Growth in the Agricultural Industry


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