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PTC + ThingWorx + Vuforia
The ability to collect oceanic data quickly, accurately, and economically has a significant impact on the success of commercial, military, and maritime research operations. Requirements and applications for oceanic sensing vary significantly based on the type of information targeted in specific weather patterns, climate regions, and oceanic zones. Boston Engineering’s new sensing technology platform is addressing a breadth of maritime data collection needs by reducing barriers created by high costs and harsh environments.
Buoys, unmanned vehicles (UxVs), and sondes each have their advantages, but high costs and data collection limitations can make it prohibitive to deploy these technologies. As an example, the average price tag of a tethered weather buoy can reach $375,000[1]. UxV costs can also be high for some applications, and require capture for reuse. Lower-cost sonde instrument probes such as Expendable Bathythermographs (XBT) have a limited field of exploration because data transmission requires cable or wire connectivity.
To reduce the cost per data-point collection in mission-critical maritime environments, Boston Engineering is developing a maritime sensor family of platforms to support a range of applications across multiple industries. The platform’s “plug-and-play” capabilities enable the rapid integration and use of a myriad of commercial sensors. Boston Engineering’s platforms are capable of being widely distributed at reduced cost.
The following MASED overview highlights how Boston Engineering is applying its maritime sensor platform to address specific needs. MASED – a Multipurpose Atmospheric and Subsurface Expendable Dropsonde – is the first product to collect ocean data during developing hurricanes via multiple submerge-and-surface cycles. The data collected by MASED will allow researchers to better understand, analyze, and forecast hurricanes. Additionally, it will contribute to significant financial and economic benefits for affected hurricane regions.
Cost was a significant consideration in developing this expendable (if desired) product. At costs per profile in the range of hundreds of dollars, MASED will complete a user-specified number of profiles (a minimum of five) over two days. Developed through a National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) SBIR grant, Boston Engineering is providing NOAA’s Aircraft Operations Center with prototypes for field testing.
MASED includes the following technologies and capabilities that are also used throughout the company’s maritime sensing product line:
Boston Engineering is utilizing MASED’s core technologies to address needs for the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), and the Office of Naval Research (ONR). Figure 2 shows the Boston Engineering product family, into which MASED’s core technologies were incorporated.
The modularity and adaptability of MASED provides a significant advantage to address multiple applications and markets. Boston Engineering can deliver reliable, low-cost products by utilizing the latest technologies, and by applying our expertise in modularizing designs through design for manufacturing and optimization (DFx) best practices (see Table 1).
In addition to MASED, Boston Engineering is developing the following capabilities:
Proteus is a persistent ocean profiling system that gathers high-density measurements through hundreds of profiles over the course of many months to provide the Navy with accurate year-round ocean environment data at a lower cost than today’s methods. Proteus provides highly reliable oceanographic data with sensors including GPS, water temperature, water salinity, pressure (for depth calculation), turbidity, and background noise. Proteus is being developed under a NAVAIR Phase II SBIR.
MEDUSAE is an autonomous, jellyfish-inspired vehicle capable of conducting autonomous station-keeping in dynamic environments to act as an oceanographic sensor node for 2-12 months. MEDUSAE utilizes its own energy harvesting sub-system to continuously provide highly reliable oceanographic data using a variety of sensors. MEDUSAE is being developed under an ONR Phase II STTR.
SVP Sonde is a low-cost MASED variant that provides sound velocity profiles (SVP) and conductivity readings in support of U.S. Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) operations. SVP-Sonde is being developed under a NAVSEA Phase II SBIR.
Boston Engineering is developing and delivering reliable, low-cost maritime sensing products for multiple maritime applications. The company is building on its experience integrating and optimizing industry-leading sensing technologies to operate in harsh or congested environments. Its maritime technologies include the BIOSwimmer UUV, GhostSwimmer AUV, robotic systems, and other capabilities for mission-critical environments.