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Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Guidelines and Best Practices – Based on Team Evaluation at the DARPA Robotics Challenge

Effective HRI methods that can be applied to enhance robotic design guidelines across the public and private sectors.

The 2015 DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) Finals provided a forum to conduct the industry’s most extensive study of how levels of robot autonomy and interaction affect HRI team performance. DARPA selected Boston Engineering to lead a team of independent researchers to monitor DRC events and to identify effective HRI methods that can be applied to enhance robotic design guidelines beyond DRC events.

This report provides HRI recommendations that have implications in the public and private sectors. Download this extensive report for detailed HRI design guidelines and considerations, including:

  • Multiplying and dividing sensor fusion
  • Balancing the operator/robot 
  • Separating mobility and manipulation
    tasks with similar control methods
  • Maintaining situational awareness 
    using minimal bandwidth
  • Minimizing  the number of operators
  • Designing holistically

© 2020 Boston Engineering Corporation. All rights reserved. Boston Engineering and Imagine the Impact are trademarks of Boston Engineering Corporation.

Company/university logo or name used in connection with DRC events does not suggest or imply endorsement, sponsorship, promotion, association or affiliation with the U.S. Government or DARPA.

Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Guidelines and Best Practices – Based on Team Evaluation at the DARPA Robotics Challenge

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